Tree sparrow

Tree sparrow

Tree sparrows are small Polish birds that lead a sedentary lifestyle. They are quite numerous in Poland. In addition to our country, tree sparrows also inhabit other European countries as well as Asia. Interestingly, this species has been introduced (intentionally introduced) in the United States and Australia as well.

Where does the tree sparrow live? This small bird can be found in gardens, city parks, on the edge of forests, in wooded areas, as well as in orchards. Tree sparrows feed on insects, seeds, and scraps. Interestingly, birds of this species raise 2-3 broods per year.

What does the tree sparrow look like?

Wondering how the tree sparrow looks? This bird is similar to a house sparrow, just slightly smaller, which is why both species are often confused. In the case of tree sparrows, both females and males have similar coloring. The upper part of their body is dark brown with visible white stripes. The underside, on the other hand, has a uniform brown-gray color. Around the tree sparrow's neck, there is a white collar, and its bill is black.

What is the difference between a house sparrow and a tree sparrow?

The most noticeable difference between these two species is the black spot on the white cheek of the tree sparrow. In contrast, the sparrow has uniformly gray cheeks. These species also differ in the coloring on the top of their heads. The tree sparrow exhibits a chestnut-brown color, while the male sparrow has a gray head, and the female has a gray-brown head. Additionally, the tree sparrow has two white stripes on its wing, whereas the sparrow has only one.

Tree Sparrow - Fun Facts

What else distinguishes the tree sparrow? I've gathered some interesting facts about it below:
  • Unlike the very similar house sparrow, tree sparrows do not build external nests. Instead, this species nests in nesting boxes, tree hollows, or crevices in buildings.
  • Tree sparrows are protected birds in Poland - this is strict protection that covers the entire lifespan of the birds. This means that they cannot be killed, kept in captivity, disturbed, nests destroyed, etc.
  • Alongside house sparrows, tree sparrows are the only birds in Poland that winter and build special protective nests for winter (at the turn of September and October). These are not the same nests in which the young are hatched!
  • Tree sparrows readily nest in nesting boxes. Due to their small size, models with a hole diameter of 33 mm (known as model A) are sufficient for them.
  • These small birds tolerate harsh winters very poorly. According to scientists, during severe, freezing winters, up to 80% of individuals may perish. However, population rebuilding can occur in spring due to the fact that a pair of tree sparrows raises 2-3 broods every year. 
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Gadgets with a tree sparrow illustration

At Tukan Media, there are numerous gadgets featuring bird motifs, including those with a tree sparrow illustration. If you are looking for a unique wall decoration, you can opt for a tree sparrow graphic available in my store. In the assortment of my shop, you will also find an eco-friendly cotton bag with images of various birds, including the tree sparrow. Choose original tree sparrow gadgets now!

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Tree sparrow - Additional Information

Zdjęcie mazurka siedzącego na ziemi

Tree sparrow

Passer montanus



Locations of Occurrence

The entire country except for the higher mountains


Seeds and invertebrates


An abundant breeding bird




5-6 eggs, gray and brown speckled. Incubation: 13-14 days. The young leave the nest after 16 days.

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