Blue tit

Blue tit

This is another popular, often encountered, and undeniably charming bird after the great tit. Blue tits are small Polish birds, extremely agile and graceful. They can be found in forests, parks, orchards, and gardens, and they build their nests in tree cavities or man-made nest boxes. The nests are made from moss, grass, feathers, and lined with down. They lay about 12 red-spotted eggs in them, which they incubate for two weeks. The chicks leave the nest 18 days after hatching. What do blue tits eat? The main diet of these birds consists of insects and seeds. They generally lead a sedentary lifestyle, although migrations can occur during winter periods.

Blue Tit vs. Great Tit – How to Distinguish These Small Birds?

This question is asked by bird enthusiasts observing Polish tits – the blue tit, also known in Poland as "modraszka", is one of them, but it differs from the great tit:

  • by having a smaller size and body structure,
  • with the coloration of the plumage dominated by shades of blue and yellow. The white head is topped with a blue cap, and a black stripe surrounds the eyes. The belly is yellow, and the wings are blue.
  • in character – great tits, despite their somewhat mysterious nature, are generally cheerful and sociable. On the other hand, the blue tits are small Polish birds that are exceptionally feisty, combative, and aggressive, while also not very timid. Their tiny beaks attack with impressive precision and strength – the seemingly adorable appearance of the blue tit conceals a dangerous temperament.
  • by the shape of their beak – the blue tit has sharp edges on its beak, allowing it to pierce seeds and extract their contents through the hole it creates. In comparison, the great tit needs to crack open the seed to access its interior.

Blue tit- interesting facts worth knowing!

Now that you already know that the character and appearance of the blue tit don't necessarily go hand in hand, and the seemingly charming demeanor conceals the aggressive nature of these individuals, you will surely also be interested in other pieces of information about this bird. One of them is the fact that the blue tit... can hang upside down from tree branches and enjoy its favorite treats in this way!

Interestingly, these small Polish birds have a developed species identity. If they hatch in the nest of marsh tits as cuckoos, they will behave like blue tits and after leaving the nest, they will join their own species. This is another characteristic that sets them apart from marsh tits, which - when raised among blue tits - become one of them and even attempt to form pairs with them.

Ornithologists confirm the determination and fierceness of these small individuals – blue tits caught in nets for ringing fiercely defend themselves and accurately target the most sensitive spots with their beaks, and when they sense blood, they attack even more vigorously.

Modraszka siedząca na gałęzi

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Brave, aggressive, and effective in their attacks – the blue tit became the symbol of European Birdwatching Days in 2022, as its yellow-blue plumage evokes associations with the flag of Ukraine. If you are also fascinated by the captivating nature of this species, take a look at my offer. You will find graphics, mugs, bookmarks, and educational posters featuring the image of the blue tit.

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Blue tit - Additional Information

Modraszka siedząca na oszronionej gałązce

Blue tit

Parus caeruleus



Locations of Occurrence

The entire lowland area of the country


Insects and seeds


An abundant breeding bird


Partially migratory, arrival: March-April, departure: September-November


10-12 white, red-spotted eggs. Incubation: 12-14 days. Young birds leave the nest after 17-18 days

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