

If you are interested in birds protected in Poland, the Greenfinch – a yellow bird about the size of a sparrow – is one of them, as it is under strict legal protection. Its body length is a few dozen centimeters, and its dominant coloring is olive and green with yellow accents on the wings and tail. It occurs in lowland areas of our country, choosing its habitat along the edges of forests, parks, trees growing in fields, as well as avenues and wooded clusters along roads.

Does the greenfinch winter in Poland?

Yes - greenfinches are wintering birds in Poland, so you will encounter them in our country throughout the year, as they lead a sedentary lifestyle. They mainly feed on seeds, buds, and plant fruits, and in spring during the breeding season, they also consume invertebrates. In winter, they visit human-made feeders. If you want to host greenfinches in your garden, plant dense shrubs and compact hedges. It is in such places that these birds like to build their nests. There are situations when they inhabit climbing plants on walls, and even flower boxes left on balconies. They strive to ensure that their nests are well-hidden and protected from wind and rain. They lay six gray, red-speckled eggs in them, which they incubate for two weeks. After a similar period, the chicks leave the nest.

Greenfinch - interesting facts about this inconspicuous bird

Since you already know how the greenfinch bird looks, what it feeds on, and where it likes to build its nests, it's time to discover its lesser-known nature:

  • greenfinches are real troublemakers – often, you can observe how instead of peacefully feeding with other species, they make noise and fight among themselves, scaring other birds away and not letting them approach the feeder,
  • while greenfinches do not migrate for the winter – they are resident birds in Poland – there have been instances where a ringed individual in our country was located in Italy,
  • the Polish name of this bird "dzwoniec" comes from the characteristic sounds it makes, resembling little bells ringing,
  • it is distinguished by its large, conical beak that helps in crushing hard seeds.
Dzwoniec siedzący na wierzchołku drzewa

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Greenfinch - Additional Information

Dzwoniec siedzący na gałęzi


Carduelis chloris



Locations of Occurrence

The entire lowland area of the country


Seeds, and in spring also invertebrates


Moderately or abundantly common breeding bird




5-6 gray, red-speckled eggs. Incubation: 13-14 days. Young leave the nest after 14-16 days

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Agata Hajdecka, author of illustrations