Ural Owl

Ural Owl

Also referred to as tawny owls, these are predatory birds in Poland with a fairly characteristic appearance - size of about 60 cm, gray plumage with visible accents of black and white, and a long tail. Large black eyes and a hooked yellow beak distinguish them from similar species. You will mainly encounter them in the Bieszczady Mountains, the Carpathians, less frequently in the Masurian region, around Zamość, and Kielce. The population of this bird in our country is estimated at a maximum of 700 pairs.

What sets apart this extraordinary owl? Ural Owl - distinctive features that are worth getting to know!

Also known as the Ural owl - tawny owl, it is a protected species in Poland. This predator mainly hunts small mammals - especially rodents, although it can also attack small kittens, as well as small birds - no larger than pigeons. It creates its nests in large tree hollows, and occasionally utilizes nests of other birds if they are of sufficient size. It lays 3-4 white eggs, incubating them for 29 days, and the young ones need about 40 days to become independent. The Ural owl selects old deciduous and mixed forests, as well as beech forests, as its habitat. It leads a sedentary way of life, while some young owls are nomadic.

Ural Owl - Curiosities

These Polish predatory birds surprise with several curiosities – Ural Owls:

  • they are highly territorial and occupy their territory throughout the year,
  • they are not overly shy and can be observed from short distances,
  • they can be aggressive, especially the female after hatching chicks. She is capable of attacking an intruder by striking the back of their head with her sharp talons. Instances of Ural Owls attacking humans have occurred, and a warning signal is displayed before confrontation - beak snapping,
  • they stand out with a wide range of vocalizations, which can be categorized as territorial, mating, warning, and contact calls. These calls vary significantly from one another,
  • just like other owls, they leave behind pellets near their nesting areas. These are compact masses of undigested food regurgitated in a vomiting motion. In the case of Ural Owls, these pellets mostly consist of vertebrate bones.

Many people wonder if owls have ears - and that's because on the heads of some species, noticeable tufts of feathers (like the Long-eared Owl, Marsh Owl) mimic this auditory organ. However, it turns out that these tufts serve almost no purpose in receiving auditory stimuli; instead, their role is to aid in mutual identification, express emotions, and blend into the surroundings (a phenomenon called mimicry) - they are used in situations of threat to confuse predators.

Answering the question, owls have large asymmetrical ear openings, and the auditory organ is crucial for them as it helps in locating prey during hunting.

Puszczyk uralski w lesie na gałęzi

Listen to the voice

Products with an illustration of the Ural Owl

It's also worth learning about the symbolism of the Ural Owl. In the past, it was considered a symbol of misfortune, an embodiment of the devil, and even a harbinger of death. Modern symbolism associates owls with wisdom, comprehensive knowledge, and above-average intelligence.

In my offer, you will find a variety of gadgets featuring the image of the Ural Owl - these are illustrations for educational and decorative purposes, including posters.

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Ural Owl - Additional Information

Puszczyk uralski siedzący na ułamanym drzewie
Ural Owl

Strix uralensis


Tawny owls

Locations of Occurrence

It inhabits old deciduous and mixed forests in lowland areas, as well as beech forests in the mountains


Small mammals, mainly rodents, as well as birds up to the size of a pigeon, constitute its primary prey


A very rare breeding bird, with an estimated population of 450-700 pairs


Sedentary, though young birds might exhibit some degree of nomadism


3-4 white eggs. Incubation period of 27-29 days. Juveniles become independent at around 40 days of age

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